El Programa de Doctorat en Enginyeria Telemàtica fa pública la lectura de la tesi doctoral de Ioana Cristina Suciu, amb títol "Energy Aware Optimization for ...
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15/12/2021, 11-12 horas, aula C4-028-1. Ingenieros y científicos de diferentes especialidades vinculadas con las operaciones espaciales deben desarrollar sus ...
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Dimecres 18 de maig a les 11:00 a la Sala d'Actes de l'EETAC. Xerrades divulgatives sobre Astronomia i Espai. Obertes a tota la comunitat.
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El professor de l'EETAC Manel Gasulla presentarà el IEEE Webinar "Energy Harvesting for Autonomous Sensors" el dijous 19 de desembre a les 12:00h.
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Thu, 3 February 2022, 18:30 – 19:30 CET. Online event. #Women4Space conference. Vanessa del Campo is a Spanish film director based in Belgium, where she is ...
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This week's activity will be a practical session from Beatriz Benítez (UPC Library), October 2nd, 17:30h, Classroom C4-021B
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Next MASTEAM Talk: "5G up in the soup" from Dr. Jesús Alonso-Zárate. September 18th, 17:30h (duration 1h). Classroom C4-021B, EETAC, Campus Castelldefels UPC.
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Next MASTEAM Talk: "Where is the Ethernet port? From the IoT laboratory to the real world" from Ricard Masó (NearbySensor). February 20th, 17:30h (duration ...
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This week's activity will be a talk session from Alejandro Llorens Carrodeguas (Dept. of Network Engineering, UPC), Wednesday 24th November 2021, 18:00h, ...
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This week's activity will be a talk session from Asier Atutxa (University of the Basque Country, I2T Research Group), Wednesday 15th Deceember 2021, 18:00h, ...
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