Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering (MUEA), specialization in Air Navigation
What follows is a summary of the specialization in Air Navigation of the Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering (MUEA), a joint degree of ESEIAAT and EETAC (both schools of the UPC), which is offered at EETAC. For further information on access, grants, registration, enrolment, etc. click on this link.
The Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering is a joint degree offered by the School of Industrial, Aerospace and Audiovisual Engineering of Terrassa (ESEIAAT) and the Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC). The Master’s degree allows the exercise of the profession of Aeronautical Engineering in accordance with the legislation (Order CIN/312/2009 of 9 February).
It is composed of a common year with mandatory courses, and a second year with specialization and optional courses, plus the master thesis, with a total of 120 ECTS. One of the second-year specializations of the master’s degree is focused on Air Navigation, and is offered by EETAC in Castelldefels
The mandatory courses of the specialization (3rd semester) combine advanced tools (Machine Learning, Software Architecture) with edge-cutting concepts in Air Navigation (Aircraft Trajectory Management, Advanced Concepts and Models for ATM, Strategic Management for Airline Operations). The optional courses of the 4th semester offer the possibility of going farther in specific areas
Students willing to follow the Air Navigation specialization will spend their first year (first and second semesters) in Terrassa, and their second year (third and fourth semester) in Castelldefels. First year courses are taught in Catalan/Spanish, while second year courses are taught in English. If you are a graduate of EETAC’s Bachelor Degree on Aerospace systems, 9 ECTS of the 18 ECTS of optional courses must be spent in these three levelling courses:
- Elements Resistents en l'Aeronàutica (3 ECTS, offered only in Spring)
- Fonaments de Propulsió (3 ECTS, offered in Autumn and Spring)
- Fonaments de Disseny d'Aeronaus (3 ECTS, offered only in Spring)
Quality indicators of the Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering (MUEA):
- Quality indicators of the degree: the degree dashboard (catalan version) includes key performance indicators about academic performance, faculty, and satisfaction of current students and alumni.
- Indicators of the degree at the EUC portal (English version): accreditation reports, job perspectives.