
3rd China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition in Spain


Sessions informatives: data: dimarts 29 de gener de 2019 - hora: a les 17h i a les 19h (2 sessions informatives) - lloc: EADA business school. Adreça: carrer Aragó, nº204. 08011 Barcelona. (Al carrer Aragó, entre els carrers Muntaner i Aribau).

China Spain Innovation & Ventures is pleased to announce the launch of the 3rd China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition in Spain. 

China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition aims to integrate innovation and entrepreneurship resources and help foreign innovation and entrepreneurship projects to connect with Chinese hi-tech industrial resources and expand the Chinese market for mutual benefits and win-win results.

Who can apply?

This competition is open to all foreign innovation and entrepreneurship projects with no restrictions on competitors' nationality.
We are looking for Startups disrupting the following sectors:


  • Internet & Mobile Internet (IT)
  • Electronic Science and Technology
  • Biology, Life Science and Technology
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Materials & Energy (including Energy conservation and Environmental protection)


  • Internet of Things (IOT)
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Financial Technology

Competition Deadlines:

  • Registration open until February 28, 2019 (
  • 1st Round of the Selection Process: March 1-7, 2019 (Madrid)
  • 2nd Round of the Selection Process: March 14, 2019 (Madrid)
  • Grand Final: April 6-16, 2019 (Shenzhen)

What’s the prize?

  • The selected Startups will be invited to the Grand Final in Shenzhen (travel expenses will be covered by the organizers), where they will compete for the following prizes (in addition to the local Cash Prize):
    • One First prize of 125.000€
    • Two Second prizes of 65.000€
    • Six Third prizes of 40.000€
  • These selected Startups will also be invited to a city tour, visiting top companies to understand the environment of Shenzhen and its innovative atmosphere.

Additional information

For additional information please visit the official website to register and, if you need any further information you can contact the organizers via email ( or by phone (+86 185 0300 5150)

For more details, contact  at anytime.