
ESA Educational Week - Aerospace Seminars November 2018


Adreçats a l'estudiantat del MAST. Oberts a tota la comunitat EETAC. November 8, 12, 13 and 14.


Adreçats a l'estudiantat del MAST

Oberts a tota la comunitat EETAC

ESA Educational Week

  • Thursday 8, 15:00-18:00: “What next?”, by Dr. James Carpenter (ESA-ESTEC) 

  • Monday 12, 16:00-20:00: “The ESA Science Program”, by Dr. Martin Kessler (ESA-ESAC)

  • Tuesday 13, 16:00-20:00: “Introduction to GNSS and to the Galileo Program”, by Dr. Javier Ventura-Traveset (ESA-ESAC)

  • Wednesday 14, 15.30-17.30: “Studies and Missions. The case of mining asteroids”, by Andrés Gálvez (ESA-HQ)

Place:  CIMNE conference room