
Industrial Sustainability: Treatment, Recovery and Valorization of wastes; Clean technologies; Renewable sources of energy and use of the biodiversity


4th of October, at 10am, in the ESAB's Sala de Graus, will take place the presentation of the CAPES/Print project.

The Brazilian program for funding international cooperation, CAPES/PrInt, is an opportunity to stablish international research networks in specific academic areas in order to reinforce the Graduate Programs from Brazilian public universities. The Federal University of Santa Catarina hosts a PrInt project with 27 different subprojects. One of those is related to Industrial Sustainability, involving 5 high evaluated graduate programs, which are aiming to international collaborations regarding students and researchers exchange.

They will present the project the Dra. Jane Mara Block (Department of Food Science and Technology of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil) and Dr. Sandra Regina Salvador Ferreira (Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Engineering of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil)

Time: 10:00h

Place: Sala de Graus (ESAB)