Integration of 5G/6G and TSN networks: the 6GSMART project, by Marc Ferré Mancebo
Our next MASTEAM-MATT-CoDaS talk will be offered by Marc Ferré Mancebo on Wednesday 18th December at 11:00h. Classroom C4-021B, EETAC, Campus Castelldefels, UPC, and online by Meet.
The EETAC Master's degrees in Applied Telecom. and Engineering Management (MASTEAM), Advanced Telecommunications Technologies (MATT), and Erasmus Mundus master's degree in Communications, Engineering and Data Science (CoDaS) organize a weekly series of activities (talks, technical visits, discussion pannels) that complement the academic activities with real-world experiences from companies, research centres and institutions in the main topics of the master: Machine Learning, Data Science, Internet of Things, Smart Cities, 5G mobile communications, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Radio (SDR), cloud computing, augmented reality and audiovisual services, among others.
This week's activity will be a talk by Marc Ferré Mancebo.
Title: "Integration of 5G/6G and TSN networks: the 6GSMART project"
Abstract: Time-Sensitive Networking is an Ethernet-based technology which can guarantee QoS (bounded losses and end-to-end delays, guaranteed bandwidth), making it ideal for scenarios such as industrial communications, fronthaul networks, and transport networks, among others. Its use in industrial networks is limited by its wired nature. This is why 3GPP has standardized the architecture and elements of an integrated 5G-TSN scenario, where a 5G private network becomes the backbone for TSN. This poises several challenges, such as timing transfer between the 5G and TSN domains, and scheduling techniques for maintaining QoS end-to-end, together with the need of the control planes of both 5G and TSN to be coordinated. This talk will focus on the 5G-TSN architecture, the new modules needed to make it run, and the description of a testbed with 5G and TSN hardware that has been developed in the 6GSMART project. 6GSMART, is focused in the development of cyberphysical systems applied to Industry 4.0, based in private 5G/6G networks, Time-Sensitive Networking, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Continuum environments
Bio: Marc Ferré is a graduated in a double degree of Telecommunications systems engineering and Network engineering from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC - BarcelonaTech), Castelldefels, Spain. He is currently a masters student in Cybersecurity and Privacy from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and works as a research assistant at the Network Engineering department in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
When: Wednesday 18th December 2024, 11:00h
Where: Classroom C4-021B (How to arrive) and Google Meet