
MASTEAM-MATT talk - Laia Iglesias - Discover the new Espai Emprèn UPC in Castelldefels


October 16th from 18:00h to 18:30h (Classroom C4-021B)

The EETAC Master's degrees in Applied Telecom. and Engineering Management (MASTEAM) and Advanced Telecommunications Technologies (MATT) organize a weekly series of activities (talks, technical visits, discussion pannels) that complement the academic activities with real-world experiences from companies, research centres and institutions in the main topics of the master: Internet of Things, Smart Cities, 5G mobile communications, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Radio (SDR), cloud computing, augmented reality and audiovisual services, among others.

Title: Discover the new Espai Emprèn UPC in Castelldefels

Speaker: Laia Iglesias Galceran

Abstract: Emprèn UPC is a program to promote entrepreneurial culture and support the creation of new technology-based companies at the UPC. It is aimed at students and recent graduates, with initiatives in initial phase (idea / validation). Espai Emprèn UPC is a new resource for the Campus, a space designed to be a collaborative environment where projects can be pre-incubated through personalized advice.

Bio: Laia Iglesias, Entrepreneur at Afterscool, is a telecoms engineer from the UPC and Executive Master in Digital Business from ESADE. She started her professional career as an engineer in one of the first Internet service providers in Spain and, after more than 10 years of experience in projects/accounts and operations management in technology consulting, in 2016 Laia created her own start-up, Afterscool. Currently, she is also managing the new Espai Emprèn Castelldefels.

When: October 16th from 18:00h to 18:30h

Where: Building C4, Classroom 021B, EETAC, Campus Castelldefels UPC. How to arrive.