
Professor Vuk Marojevic - "Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless"


Professor Vuk Marojevic will present "Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless" in room 001 at EETAC School (building C4) this Wednesday June 19 at 3pm.

Professor Vuk Marojevic will present "Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless" in room 001 at EETAC School (building C4) this Wednesday June 19 at 3pm. This talk presents a vision for enabling advanced wireless research and experimentation with aerial and vehicular nodes and proposes a testbed architecture and user services that describe a production-like and expandable city-scale platform.

You are invited to participate! 

Abstract: Enabling ubiquitous mobility and connectivity unleashes new applications and capabilities that will allow new technologies such as driverless cars, virtual and augmented reality, and massive Internet of things (IoT) becoming reality. Major new use cases for advanced wireless technologies, once thought to be science fiction, are emerging in the unmanned aerial systems spaces with multi-billion $ market opportunities in commercial, civil government, and military sectors. This talk presents a vision for enabling advanced wireless research and experimentation with aerial and vehicular nodes and proposes a testbed architecture and user services that describe a production-like and expandable city-scale platform.

Bio: Vuk Marojevic received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Hannover, Germany, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from UPC-Barcelona Tech. He was assistant professor at UPC (2008-2012), research faculty at Wireless @ Virginia Tech (2013-2018) and is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State University. His research interests are in software-defined radio, spectrum sharing, vehicular communications technologies and systems, and resource management with application to public safety and mission-critical networks and unmanned aircraft systems.