Notícies EETAC
Dimarts 13 de novembre a la sala d’actes 001, de 12:30 a 13:30, tindrà lloc una reunió sobre Pràctiques a Empresa dirigida als alumnes de l'EETAC.
Dimecres 7 de novembre, a les 11.30h a Sant Quirze, el doctor Rafael Vidal, professor de l'EETAC, impartirà aquesta conferència.
The innovation competition annually awards the best services, products, and business ideas using satellite navigation in everyday life. Its mission is to spur the development of marketdriven applications based on satellite navigation technologies. Since 14 years the competition proofs that satellite navigation technologies open the door to myriad applications!
El 15/11 d'11h a 12h, a la sala d'actes de l'EETAC, Carlos Ferraz Pueyo, director d'Innovació a HEMAV, farà una xerrada-col·loqui. Segueix-la via streaming a
Convocatòria de beques Santander Erasmus per a participants del programa Erasmus+ KA103 el curs 2019/2020. La beca s'ha de sol·licitar a la web del Banco Santander abans del 28 de febrer de 2019.
Adreçats a l'estudiantat del MAST. Oberts a tota la comunitat EETAC. November 8, 12, 13 and 14.
Enric Vilamajó, chief Technology Officer of Ficosa International, will give the tald entitled "How the communication technology has evolved in the Automotion sector". Friday 23rd of November at 11:00 - 12:00 in room C4-130G of the EETAC.
Roger Jové CEO of Balamis, will give the talk entitled "Earth Observation applications for microwave remote sensing", next Tuesday, 6th of November at 12:00 in room C4-027-3 of the EETAC.
Assaigs tots els dimecres de 14.00 a 15.30 a la Sala de Graus de l'ESAB. Aquest any la coral celebra el 10è aniversari cantant West Side Story!
Jordi Corbera, Head of Earth Observation at ICGC, will give the talk entitled "Earth Observation: From Data to Knowledge". Tuesday, 30th of October, at 12:00 in room C4-027-3 of the EETAC.