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On July 4 and 5, as part of the certification process of the School's Internal Quality Assurance System, the External Evaluation Committee, appointed by AQU Catalunya, will visit the school
The bachelor's degree in Satellite Engineering is a unique degree in the State and a pioneer in Europe, which will offer comprehensive training in the knowledge, skills and competences demanded by the space sector.
Last Friday, July 12, the graduation ceremony of the graduates of the 2023-24 EETAC class was held at the Viladecans Atrium.
The cutoff mark to access the new degree in Satellite Engineering was 10.830.
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La hackató Cassini, iniciativa de la Comissió Europea per fomentar l’esperit empresarial dins del sector espacial, va tancar el passat diumenge a Catalunya la seva 7a edició, enguany centrada en la sostenibilitat i la transició verda. L’edició catalana de la hackató ha recollit 10 projectes orientats a aquesta temàtica i hi han participat 49 persones.
UniMentor és un projecte que contribueix a la inclusió i desenvolupament acadèmic, personal i social de les estudiants en situació de vulnerabilitat a la universitat a través d’un estudiant-mentor de cursos més avançats que l’acompanya al llarg de tot el curs acadèmic.
During the X Unite! Dialogue in Darmstadt, in Germany, the Unite! Awards have been awarded, which recognize the dedication of people and teams from each of the member universities of the alliance, committed to their development. In this first edition, UPC professor Jesús Alcober has been awarded.
We continue with the series of conferences that we started last year, with the aim of celebrating and highlighting the inspiring achievements of women who have left a significant mark on the world of science and technology.
The programme, developed in collaboration with the ESA Education Office, Andoya Space Education and the Norwegian Space Agency, is aimed at students in the first years.