
Dijous 15 d'abril - Xerrada sobre " Innovative Solutions for Airborne Fire Monitoring: UAS, Intelligent Sensors, and Data Visualization Systems"


Dijous 15 d’abril a les 16:00

Títol: Innovative Solutions for Airborne Fire Monitoring: UAS, Intelligent Sensors, and Data Visualization Systems, the Future is Now!!

Lloc: Sala 001 de l'EPSC (Edifici C4)

Ponent: Vincent G. Ambrosia, Senior Research Scientist and Adjunct Faculty member of California State University, working at NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.  

Descripció: The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Forest Service (USFS) are exploring and investing in innovative solutions and technologies to improve airborne observations of fire events.  Those technologies include Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) platforms, innovative multispectral / thermal sensor systems with onboard, autonomous data processing capabilities,  and a geospatial data visualization package (the Collaborative Decision Environment (CDE)), based Google Earth to utilize the fire information in real-time.

The presentation highlighted the enabling technologies and described the efforts underway to realize the efficient integration of these capabilities into operational status within the US fire management community. The presentation also described objectives and operations planned for 2010 and 2011.

Va ser una  activitat dirigida a l'alumnat del Master in Aerospace Science and Technology (MAST), però oberta a tota la comunitat universitària.

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