
EPSC Engineering Seminars: Management Solutions for QoS Support over the entire Audio-Visual Service Distribution Chain


Image from N.C.S.R. "Demokritos"El dimarts dia 27 de maig a les 10:30h tindrà lloc a la Sala d'actes de l'EPSC el seminari:

Títol: Management Solutions for QoS Support over the entire Audio-Visual Service Distribution Chain.

Ponent: Dr. George Kormentzas. He is currently Assistant Professor in the University of the Aegean, Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering.He is also Associate Researcher with the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications at the National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos".


Summary of the talk:

A key element for the successful mass market provision of audio-visual services, which would produce revenues for the content/service providers and network operators, is amanagement solution based on the end-to-end QoS delivery ver heterogeneous networks and terminals. In order to provide mass-market audio-visual services, content providers wish to have some guarantees hat their ontent will reach customers with high quality and in a timely, secure manner.

However, no complete and unified solution that enables the end-to-end delivery of services over various types of networks at a guaranteed quality level exists today. The problem has been and is currently being investigated by many players in the field, but only partial solutions have been proposed so far; the solutions provide end-to-end QoS only in special cases, e.g. for certain types of networks, for a single network operator, for specific types of services, for certain terminals.

This talk will present the ENTHRONE solution as it is defined and implemented in the context of an IP FP6 project. This solution concerns an integrated management solution, which covers the entire audio-visual service distribution chain, including content generation and protection, distribution across networks and reception at various types of user terminals. The aim is not to impose a strategy on each individual entity of the chain, but to harmonize their functionality, in order to support an end-to-end QoS architecture over heterogeneous networks, applied to a variety of audio-visual services, which are delivered at various user terminals.

George Kormentzas was born in Athens, Greece on 1973. He received the Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Ph.D. in Computer Engineering both from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, in 1995 and 2000, respectively. He has been actively working for many years on the area of network management and quality of service of computer and communication
systems focusing on the concept of abstract information model, an ancestor of next generation networking middleware, which is his main current research

Other current research activities take upon issues concerning end-to-end QoS, optimization and coexistence of broadband heterogeneous wired/wireless networks. He has published extensively in the fields above, in international scientific journals, edited books and conference proceedings. He is a member of pronounced professional societies, an active reviewer for several journals and conferences and EU-Independent Expert for Marie Curie Actions.

Furthermore, George Kormentzas acts within Technical Program and Organizing Committees for numerous conferences and workshops and as a Guest Editor for scientific journals (Elsevier Computer Communications, Elsevier Computer Networks and International Journal of Network Management). He is co-founder of the Next Generation Networking Middleware (NGNM) Workshop established in 2004 and taking place in a per-year basis in the context of the IFIP Networking conference. He is also member of the steering committee of the International Network Conference (INC2006). He chaired NGNM04, NGNM05, and NGNM06, and he was Technical Program co-chair of 5th International Network Conference (INC2005) and of the workshop entitled 'IP over DVB networks' at the ICC 2006. George Kormentzas has participated in a number of national and international research projects, serving in some instances as the project?s technical representative for University of Aegean or National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" and/or as WP leader and/or as the project?s Technical Manager. He is Technical Manager of IST-2005-FP6 UNITE STREP project: "Virtual Distributed Testbed for Optimization and Coexistence of Heterogeneous Systems" and he acted as co-chair of Beyond 3G System Architecture Cluster concerning FP6-IST projects.