Dimecres 2 de desembre - Xerrada sobre Intelligent Transport Systems
El pròxim dimecres 2 de desembre tindrà lloc a l'EETAC una xerrada a càrrec de Cristian Casorrán, de Ficosa Internacional.
Títol: "Architecture of a connected world: Intelligent Transport Systems"
Hora: 17.00 hores
Lloc: aula 339V
Engineering Supervisor of Advanced Communications Department at Ficosa International, Cristian Casorrán has more than 8 years of experience designing, developing and implementing embedded units for Intelligent Transport Systems in Europe and Asia (automotive, public transport and railways).
"Did I miss the bus?", "what's wrong with my car?", "a car without driver?" are frequent questions in today's world. While cooking a soup of 5G, V2X, WiFi, BLE and NFC, in this talk we will describe how Intelligent Transport Systems are working, thanks to the technology evolution based on the Internet of Things, from the "Big Data" to the end user, helping to answer the most important of the questions: "Dude, Where's My Car?"
Aquesta xerrada és la tercera de totes les que el MASTEAM organitzarà, dirigides a tota la comunitat EETAC i relacionades amb IoT (Internet of Things) i Smart Cities.