
Dimarts 22 de desembre - Xerrada "Overview of research activities in the Mobile and Wireless Internet group at i2CAT"


El pròxim dimarts 22 de desembre, a les 10:00 hores i a l'aula 336V, tindrà lloc una xerrada titulada "Overview of research activities in the Mobile and Wireless Internet group at i2CAT", impartida per Daniel Camps Murdirector del Mobile and Wireless Internet Group de la Fundació I2CAT.

La xerrada s'emmarca en les activitats de l'assignatura "Mobilitat, Xarxes i Serveis" (MXS) del Grau en Enginyeria Telemàtica, però l'assistència és oberta a tots els estudiants i professors de l'escola.

Us hi esperem!



This talk will provide an overview of the current research activities carried out at the Mobile and Wireless Internet (MWI) group at the i2CAT Foundation. The MWI group has two main research lines, namely the Internet of Things (IoT) research line and the Software Defined Wireless Networks (SDWN) research line. In the IoT domain the group is currently studying how to develop efficient radio wake up technologies that maximize the battery lifetime of constrained IoT devices, and on the application of Visible Light Communications (VLC) to enable efficient location based services for smartphone and wearable devices. In the SDWN research line, the group is investigating novel network architectures and algorithms to cope with the forecasted growth in mobile data demand in future 5G networks.


Speaker CV:

Daniel Camps is currently leading the Mobile and Wireless Internet Group (MWI) at the I2CAT Foundation. Our group's insterest lies generally in the wireless domain, and specifically on embedding wireless interfaces in devices constrained in power and energy. Thus, 802.15.4, 802.11, 6LoWPAN, CoAP, and in general the Internet of Things (IoT) are technologies we enjoy tinkering with, always with an experimental approach. In addition to IoT we also investigate architectures and algorithms to improve the capacity of mobile communication networks, focusing here on Wi-Fi based access networks and on the application of logically centralized SDN protocols to improve performance and manageability of the wireless access. Previous to working at I2CAT, Daniel was a researcher at NEC Networks Laboratories in Heidelberg, Germany. At NEC Daniel focused on wireless networks, QoS, and energy efficiency, and was also involved in standardization for wireless LANs contributing both to the Wi-Fi Alliance and to the IEEE 802.11 working group.