
Dimecres 25 de novembre - Xerrada sobre Space technologies applied to Smart Cities


El pròxim dimecres 25 de novembre tindrà lloc a l'EETAC una xerrada a càrrec de Jorge Fuentes, d'ESA BIC.

Títol: "Space technologies applied to Smart Cities"

Hora: 17.00 hores

Lloc: aula 339V

Aquesta xerrada és la segona de totes les que el MASTEAM organitzarà, dirigides a tota la comunitat EETAC i relacionades amb IoT (Internet of Things) i Smart Cities.

Bio: Jorge Fuentes graduated as a Telecom Engineer at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and holds a Master’s in Radio Communications from the Univerza v Ljubljani in Slovenia, and Postgraduate Studies in Management and Business Administration at Universitat de Barcelona and graduated with excellent marks. Promoter and current manager of the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre (ESA BIC Barcelona), giving support and boosting start-ups exploiting aerospace technologies & knowledge for all kind of non-space applications, as well as an Independent Consultant and Lecturer specialized in Entrepreneurship and Economic Development.

The ESA Business Incubation Centre Barcelona (ESA BIC Barcelona) opened in 2014. It is managed by Barcelona Activa and supported locally by renowned public administrations and institutions, namely Area Metropolitana de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Consell Comarcal del Baix Llobregat, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Parc UPC and Caixa Capital Risc. Located in Barcelona, Spain, this incubator offers start up support and technical expertise for the creation of innovative companies.