De dimarts 19 fins dijous 21 de maig a l'EPSC — Curs sobre Smart Sensor Systems
Títol: Smart Sensor System
Ponent: Prof. Dr. Gerard C. M. Meijer de la TU Delft
Llocs i dates:
- Dimarts 19 Maig, Aula 028a: 15 h – 20 h (lectures)
- Dimecres 20 Maig, Laboratori 230B: 17 h – 19 h (hands-on demonstrations)
- Dijous 21 Maig, Aula 028a: 15 h – 20 h (lectures)
Course will be taught in English. Recent developments in the field of smart sensor systems are reviewed. After a general overview system details are discussed, concerning: sensor principles, tandem transducers, thermal and capacitive sensors, smart analog interfaces, modifiers and A/D conversion. A systematic approach towards the design of smart sensor systems is presented. The lectures include case studies and hands-on demonstrations.
The prerequisite for the course is a basic knowledge of electrical circuits and systems.