
EETAC researchers show their work in Future Internet


Several EETAC researchers from Telematics Departement will participate a workshop on the New Internet Architectures organized by the i2CAT Foundation in collaboration with the Korean National Research Centre.

Prof. Cristina Cervelló, principal researcher of GXO at UPC, will present her work in Autonomic Network Management. In addition, Mr. Alberto José González Cela, Researcher of the Audiovisual Unit i2CAT/UPC, will present his work in Service Composition and Cost Modeling. All these work is related to the TARIFA (The Atomic Redesign of the Internet Future Architecture) project

When: 19th September 2011 at 16.00h

Place: UPC Campus Nord - Aula Màster, BARCELONA

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Internet is evolving faster thanks to the rising of new services and applications. This situation made it possible to detect current Internet deficiencies. Nowadays, researchers are proposing novel Internet architectures which prevent the rigidity of the layered structure posed by the TCP/IP stack. Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) principles are appropriate for proposing a flexible and scalable Internet architecture, which relies on the combination of several services according to their quester needs. In this context, a framework for combining services according to user’s context and network is necessary. Moreover, it is extremely important to provide a framework for dealing with cost and price of services that enables requesters and providers to interact and create new business models for the Future Internet (FI). In this workshop, we will introduce a novel framework, designed in the TARIFA project, which provides services adapted to requester's requirements.