
Del 6 al 16 d'abril - Curs "Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)"


6 al 16 d’abril a les 11:00

Títol: Serie de seminaris "Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)"

Lloc: Sala Polivalent CIMNE (Edifici C3)

Ponent: Vincent G. Ambrosia, Senior Research Scientist and Adjunct Faculty member of California State University, working at NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California.

Descripció: Current Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) technology offers feasible technical solutions for airframes, flight control, communications, and base stations. Sensors like weather radars, SAR, multi spectrum line-scan devices, in addition to visual and thermal cameras are being used as payload on board UAS. As a result UAS are slowly becoming efficient platforms that can be applied in scientific/commercial remote sensing applications. UAS may offer interesting benefits in terms of cost, flexibility, endurance, etc. Even remote sensing in dangerous situations due to extreme climatic conditions (wind, cold, heat) are now seen as possible because the human factor on board the airborne platform is no longer present.

Vincent G. Ambrosia, Senior Research Scientist and Adjunct Faculty member of California State University, working at NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California will provide a wide introduction to UAS technology within the MAST program.  

The presentations will focus on UAS history, the UAS platforms used by NASA and the enabling technologies and efforts underway to realize the efficient integration of UAV capabilities into operational status within the US fire management community.

És una activitat dirigida a l'alumnat del Master in Aerospace Science and Technology (MAST), però oberta a tota la comunitat universitària.

Per a més informació consulteu aquest document.