
EPSC Engineering Seminars: Nova generació d'antenes per BTS


Logo FractusEmpresa: FRACTUS
Seminari: Nova generació d'antenes per BTS
Ponent: Dra. Carmen Borja, R&D Manager de FRACTUS
Dia: 22 d'abril a les 16:30
Lloc: Sala d'Actes EPSC
Durada: 1 hora

FRACTUS és una empresa creada per Carles Puente, Dr. Enginyer de Telecomunicació que va ser professor de l'EPSC. Te la primera patent mundial d'antenes fractals (1995) i és una de les empreses catalanes que ha desenvolupat més patents (171).

Estudiants de l'escola hi fan pràctiques d'empresa, i antics estudiants hi treballen alhora que segueixen estudis de doctorat. La xerrada va adreçada a estudiants i professors que vulguin conèixer més detalls sobre les activitats d'aquesta empresa.

Esteu tots convidats.


Mes informació sobre Fractus:

Fractus designs and manufactures optimised antennas for mobile handsets, short-range wireless devices and telecommunications infrastructure by applying the science of fractal mathematics to antenna development.

Fractus filed the world's first patent for Fractal Antennas® in May 1995. Today, Fractus holds an IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) portfolio of 51 inventions protected through 171 patents and patent applications. As a result of the impact of Fractus' technology in the global telecommunications industry, Fractus has been recently named as one of the most innovative technology companies of 2006 with its inclusion in the top 100 private companies in Europe and the Middle East by the Red Herring Insider's Guide.

The space-filling and multi-band properties of fractal geometries enable Fractus to achieve increased antenna performance and/or reduced antenna size with optimum multi-band functionality.

This enables us to make our customers' devices more competitive in the global or regional markets where they compete.

Fractus provides a high standard of customer service and technical support for antenna design engineers, project and programme managers and antenna purchasers worldwide to ensure development and production of optimal wireless devices.



Més informació: EPSC Engineering Seminars.