
Dijous 24/5 Conferència. 'Space and the International Space Station: a unique place for R&D'


International Space StationTítol: "Space and the International Space Station: a unique place for R&D"

Ponent: Dr. Olivier Minster
Head of the Physical Sciences Unit
Research Operations Department, Directorate of Human Spaceflight, Microgravity & Exploration Programmes
European Space Agency (ESA)

Data i hora: Dijous 24 de maig a les 17:00
Lloc: Sala d'Actes de l'EPSC (aula 001pg)



After about a decade of gaining experience with operating scientific instruments onboard the Spacelab module, a European contribution to the Shuttle programme, in 1995, in Granada, the Ministerial Council of the European Space Agency confirmed the participation to the International Space Station project. Alongside the design and manufacture of large elements of the ISS infrastructure, ESA developped a programme for the utilisation of the ISS for research and applications. As we are now months away from the launch of the European elements to the ISS, Dr Minster who heads the Physical Sciences Unit in the Directorate of Human Spaceflight, Microgravity and Exploration of ESA will present the current plans for this utilisation programme in the field of physics and engineering sciences.