
Dilluns 8 d'abril - Lectura de la tesi doctoral del professor de l'EETAC Luis Delgado


El proper dilluns 8 d'abril a les 10:30h, a la sala polivalent 309-310 del CIMNE (edifici C3) el professor de l'EETAC Luis Delgado, procedirà a la defensa pública de la seva tesi Doctoral

Títol: Cruise Speed Reduction for Air Traffic Flow Management.

Director: Xavier Prats, grup de recerca ICARUS.

Després del salt, podeu consultar el resum de la tesi.


Cruise Speed Reduction for Air Traffic Flow Management (Abstract)

Air transport infrastructures around the world lack sufficient capacity to accommodate demand.  A situation which is worsened when capacity is unexpectedly reduced, leading to prolonged capacity-demand imbalances. In such cases, a regulation is implemented in order to move delay from expensive airborne holdings around the destination airport to ground delay at the airport of origin. Weather is one of the main causes of punctual capacity reduction, and forecasting when these capacity drops will be resolved is usually a difficult task. Therefore airspace managers usually declare unnecessarily long regulations, which, in turn, often lead to the realisation of costly non-required delay.

However, with the enforcement of controlled times of arrival, which is expected to be implemented in the near future, come new possibilities for dealing with assigned delay. In particular, the possibility of absorbing part of the delay during the cruise, in what can be considered a linear holding.

The thesis presents and analyses the idea of cruise speed reduction. A technique which makes it possible to recover part of an assigned delay airborne, if the regulation is cancelled before planned, without a repercussion on the fuel consumed.

This speed reduction strategy is applied to ground delay programs in North America and in particular to San Francisco International, Newark International and Chicago O'Hare International airports.