Dimecres 9 de desembre - Xerrada "Barcelona, a Smart(er) city"
El pròxim dimecres 9 de desembre tindrà lloc la quarta xerrada de totes les que el MASTEAM organitzarà, dirigides a tota la comunitat EETAC i relacionades amb IoT (Internet of Things) i Smart Cities.
Time and place: 17.00 h. - 339V
Title: Barcelona, a Smart(er) city
Bio: Manel Mendoza, BSc in Computer Networls and MSc in Telecommunications Engineering (UPC), Engineer at the Municipal Institute of Informatics of Barcelona.
Abstract: The City of Barcelona has deployed a Smart City infrastructure. The talk will describe the infrastructure and services offered, and will also provide details about its managament. The speaker will also present the challenges and latest trends in this field: security, fog computing.