
Dimecres 16 de desembre - Xerrada “SIGFOX, the New IoT Paradigm in Low Power Wide Area Networks”


El pròxim dimecres 16 de desembre tindrà lloc la cinquena xerrada de totes les que el MASTEAM organitzarà, dirigides a tota la comunitat EETAC i relacionades amb IoT (Internet of Things) i Smart Cities.

Time and place: 17.00 h. - 339V

Title: “SIGFOX, the New IoT Paradigm in Low Power Wide Area Networks”

Bio: Carlos Yubero, Head of strategic Marketing at Cellnex Telecom. Leading projects in IoT, connected car, Small cells and Smart Cities. More than 30 years of experience in IT transformation and projects.

Abstract: 50 billion objects will be connected by the year 2020, many of these connections will use conventional technologies but some new ones are going to be needed, LPWA is going to be a key technology of the Internet of Things ecosystem. SIGFOX is the leader in this area, learn what it is and how to take advantage of the business opportunities.